Practice Exam: SAS Visual Analytics Using SAS Viya
<p></p><p>Welcome to the practice exam for the SAS® Certified Specialist: Visual Business Analytics Using SAS Viya credential. This exam is designed for analysts who are using SAS Visual Analytics to analyze data and design reports. Successful candidates should be able to do the following:</p><ul><li>Add and manipulate data items within SAS Visual Analytics</li><li>Analyze data with SAS Visual Analytics</li><li>Design and share reports using SAS Visual Analytics</li></ul><br><p><b>Note</b>: You can use either SAS Visual Analytics on  SAS Viya or SAS 9.4 to prepare for this exam.</p><p></p><div class="d-grid gap-2 col-6 mx-auto"><a href="" role="button" class="sas-button btn btn-primary btn-lg">Enroll</a></div>