This course provides a review of the majority of topics in the SAS 9.4 Base Programming Performance-Based Exam. It addresses the four exam content areas: Accessing and Creating Data Structures, Managing Data, Generating Reports and Output, and Handling Errors.
Learn How To
Read, create, and combine SAS data sets. Sort observations with the SORT procedure. Read delimited data and Microsoft Excel files with the IMPORT procedure and the LIBNAME engine. Create variables using assignment, conditional, and sum statements. Manipulate data using SAS functions. Process data with DO loops. Restructure data with the TRANSPOSE procedure. Create reports using the PRINT procedure, the FREQ procedure, the MEANS procedure, and the UNIVARIATE procedure. Create formats with the FORMAT procedure. Create external files with ODS, the EXPORT procedure, and the LIBNAME engine. Identify and resolve programming logic errors.Who Should Attend
SAS users who are interested in a review course before taking the SAS 9.4 Base Programming Performance-Based Exam, part of the SAS Global Certification Program
Before attending this course, you should:;
Be an experienced programmer with knowledge of the four exam content areas. Have taken SAS Programming 1: Essentials and SAS Programming 2: Data Manipulation Techniques or have equivalent experience.SAS Products Covered
Course Outline
SAS 9.4 Base Programming Performance-Based Exam Review
Specifics about the SAS 9.4 Base Programming Performance-Based Exam. Specifics about this review course. Review SAS fundamental concepts. Using macro variables to simplify code maintenance.Access and Create Data StructureInvestigating SAS data libraries. Accessing SAS data sets and data sources not in SAS (Microsoft Excel and text files). Creating SAS data sets and reviewing DATA step processes.Controlling rows and columns to process and output. Modifying column attributes.Manage DataUsing assignment statements. Conditional processing with IF-THEN/ELSE. Sorting and combining tables. Accumulating subtotals and totals. Manipulating data with functions. Iterative processing with DO loops. Restructuring data with PROC TRANSPOSE.Error HandlingIdentifying and resolving programming logic errors. Examining and resolving data errors.Generating Reports and OutputGenerating list reports using the PRINT procedure.Generating summary reports and frequency tables using Base SAS procedures. Enhancing reports with labels, SAS formats, user-defined formats, titles, footnotes, and SAS reporting options. Generating reports using ODS statements. Exporting data to text and Microsoft Excel files.Additional InformationMore specifics about the SAS 9.4 Base Programming Performance-Based Exam. Additional preparation resources.Test-taking strategies.