Practice Exam: SAS Viya Intermediate Programming
<p>For the SAS programmer ready to demonstrate that they can write SAS code to manage, examine, manipulate, and analyze large data utilizing the full capabilities of the CAS server. Successful candidates should be able to do the following in SAS Viya:</p><ul><li>Work with CAS tables and data sources</li><li>Modify DATA step and SQL programs to run in CAS</li><li>Use CAS enabled procedures</li><li>Use user defined formats in CAS</li><li>Use the CAS programming language (CASL)</li><li>Use CAS actions to directly interact with data in CAS</li></ul><p></p><div class="d-grid gap-2 col-6 mx-auto"><a href="" role="button" class="sas-button btn btn-primary btn-lg">Enroll</a></div>