This course is for scientists and analysts who want to analyze observational data collected over time. It is not for SAS users who have collected data in a complicated experimental design. They should take the Mixed Models Analyses Using the SAS System course instead.
The self-study e-learning includes:
- Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
- Virtual lab time to practice.
Learn How To
Create individual and group profile plots and sample variograms. Use the MIXED procedure to fit a general linear mixed model and a random coefficient model. Plot information criteria for models with selected covariance structures. Generate diagnostic plots in PROC MIXED. Fit a binary generalized linear mixed model in the GLIMMIX procedure. Fit an ordinal generalized linear mixed model and a model with spline effects in PROC GLIMMIX. Fit a binary GEE model in the GENMOD procedure.Who Should Attend
Epidemiologists, social scientists, physical scientists, and business analysts
Before attending this course, you should be able to:;
Execute SAS programs and create SAS data sets. Fit models using the GLM and REG procedures in SAS/STAT software. ;You can gain the programming experience by completing the SAS Programming 2: Data Manipulation Techniques course. You should also be familiar with the MIXED procedure. You can gain this experience by completing the Statistics 2: ANOVA and Regression course.SAS Products Covered
Course Outline
Longitudinal Data Analysis Concepts
Understanding the merits and analytical problems associated with longitudinal data analysis.Exploratory Data AnalysisGraphing individual and group profiles. Identifying cross-sectional and longitudinal patterns.General Linear Mixed ModelUnderstanding the concepts behind the linear mixed model. Examining the different covariance structures available in PROC MIXED. Fitting a general linear mixed model in PROC MIXED.Evaluating Covariance StructuresCreating a sample variogram that illustrates the error components in your model. Plotting information criteria for models with selected covariance structures.Model Development, Interpretation, and AssessmentLearning the model building strategies in PROC MIXED. Creating interaction plots. Specifying heterogeneity in the covariance structure. Computing predictions using EBLUPs. Fitting a random coefficient model in PROC MIXED. Generating diagnostic plots in PROC MIXED using ODS Graphics.Generalized Linear Mixed ModelsFitting a binary generalized linear mixed model in PROC GLIMMIX.Applications Using PROC GLIMMIXFitting an ordinal generalized linear mixed model in PROC GLIMMIX. Fitting a generalized linear mixed model with splines in PROC GLIMMIX.GEE Regression ModelsFitting a binary GEE model in PROC GENMOD.