SAS® Visual Investigator: Analysis and Investigation
This course provides an overview of SAS Visual Investigator and teaches you to navigate the user interface to perform investigations. Learn How To Suppress scenarios. Rate productivity. Create a manual alert. Link an alert to an investigation. Add workspaces and insights. Search for information in the system. View management reports. Add comments and attachments. Perform dispositions on alerts. Complete investigation tasks. Use network diagrams. Move cases through a workflow.Who Should Attend Users of the SAS Visual Investigator interface Prerequisites No prerequisite SAS knowledge is needed. SAS Products Covered SAS Visual Investigator Course Outline Getting Started with SAS Visual Investigator Overview of SAS Visual Investigator. Identifying the course environment.Analyzing AlertsIntroduction to alerts. The Alerts Page. Reviewing alert details and adding alerts.Performing InvestigationsInvestigating cases. Managing work products.Discovering InformationSearching for information. Using management reporting.Case StudyWorking through a case study.SAS Mobile Investigator (Optional)Introduction to SAS Mobile Investigator.