Writing a Custom Task for SAS® Studio
This course is for SAS Studio users who want to edit or create their own tasks. Learn How To use the Common Task Model template to create custom tasksdefine the input controls for data sources and options in the user interface.use the Apache Velocity Language template to generate SAS code based on user inputs and selections. - use the Common Task Model template to create custom tasks
- define the input controls for data sources and options in the user interface.
- use the Apache Velocity Language template to generate SAS code based on user inputs and selections.
- use the Common Task Model template to create custom tasks
- define the input controls for data sources and options in the user interface.
- use the Apache Velocity Language template to generate SAS code based on user inputs and selections.
- use the Common Task Model template to create custom tasks
- define the input controls for data sources and options in the user interface.
- use the Apache Velocity Language template to generate SAS code based on user inputs and selections.
- use the Common Task Model template to create custom tasks
- define the input controls for data sources and options in the user interface.
- use the Apache Velocity Language template to generate SAS code based on user inputs and selections.
use the Common Task Model template to create custom tasksdefine the input controls for data sources and options in the user interface.use the Apache Velocity Language template to generate SAS code based on user inputs and selections. Who Should Attend SAS Studio users who are interested in personalizing predefined tasks or creating their own SAS Studio tasks - SAS Studio users who are interested in personalizing predefined tasks or creating their own SAS Studio tasks
SAS Studio users who are interested in personalizing predefined tasks or creating their own SAS Studio tasks Użytkownicy SAS Studio zainteresowani tworzeniem własnych zadań. SAS Studio users who are interested in personalizing predefined tasks or creating their own SAS Studio tasks Prerequisites Before attending this course, you should have some experience using SAS Studio. Detailed SAS programming knowledge is not needed for this course. Course Outline Overview of SAS Studio TasksRegistering a TaskDefining the MetadataCreating Additional OptionsGenerating SAS CodeUsing the Custom Task