SAS® Marketing Automation: Advanced Campaign Design Duration: 7 hours MAACD : EMAACD6
This course consists of a collection of videos covering advanced topics in SAS Marketing Automation. Specifically, you learn how to create, execute, and evaluate advanced campaign scenarios. The library format of the course, along with the discrete nature of each topic, gives you the flexibility to explore the following topics in any order you choose:
- campaign design principles and best practices
- the Common Data Model
- advanced use of calculated data items
- advanced use of custom details
- custom SAS processing in Marketing Automation
- cross campaign prioritization
- advanced reporting
- advanced use of treatments
- seed lists
- scheduling
- defining and refining output
- alerts and notifications.
Who Should Attend Experienced users of SAS Marketing Automation who want to create, execute, and evaluate advanced campaign scenarios Prerequisites Before taking this course, you should have experience using SAS Marketing Automation and have completed the SAS Marketing Automation: Designing and Executing Outbound Marketing Campaigns course. SAS Products Covered SAS Customer Intelligence Tools;SAS Marketing Automation Course Outline Campaign Design Principles and Best Practices campaign processing understanding metadata type improving your campaign design designing for performance and best practices using the prioritize node for exclusions designing multi-wave campaigns Common Data Model introduction to the Common Data Model deleting occurrences surrogate key generation campaign versioning Advanced Use of Calculated Data Items overview validation methodology Advanced Use of Custom Detailsoverview of custom details generalizing selections using custom detail tags Custom SAS Processing in Marketing Automation introduction to custom SAS processing configuring the process node creating and using a custom node introduction to writing stored processes for Marketing Automation macro variables for Marketing Automation stored processes macro programs for Marketing Automation stored processes the inputnodes and outputnodes data sets the macrovar data set registering stored processes for Marketing Automation Cross Campaign Prioritization introduction to the cross campaign prioritization method priority-based optimization of a campaign group Advanced Reportingintroduction to reporting introduction to SAS Visual Analytics creating a template for the Reports workspace Advanced Use of Treatments review of treatment concepts managing changes to treatments custom details for treatmentsSeed Listscreate and assign a seeds lists modify and manage a seeds list Scheduling introduction scheduling servers scheduling using Customer Intelligence Studio scheduling using SAS Management Console using the Platform Flow Manager and Platform Calendar EditorDefining and Refining Outputspecifying export filenames and contents removing duplicate rows controlling limit and split processing Alerts and Notificationsalerts notifications